Karate for Kids Ages 7-12

We provide our students a positive and encouraging environment that promotes the development of strength in body, mind, and character.

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Contact us now to begin your martial arts journey right away!


Health & Fitness

A positive exercise regimen provides the strength and energy to succeed outside of class.


Confidence & Focus

With greater health and confidence, students are more alert and concentrated at home and school.



Our students are taught to be mindful of others and to demonstrate respect at all times.

Positive growth with every class

By building self-confidence, self-respect, and self-discipline, we are helping young people learn to deal with the many challenges they face growing up in today’s world.


Your child's health and happiness are an everyday priority

Our carefully designed programs for children of all ages will improve your child’s performance in other aspects of their life, increasing overall happiness and well-being.

Teach your kids the importance of confidence

With greater health and confidence, students are more alert and better able to concentrate, encouraging attentiveness and allowing students to focus and develop at home and school.


Trained by champions to become champions

Our instructors hold multiple regional and national championship titles. Our black belts strive to be positive role models for our students by creating an environment of encouragement and success.

Begin Now for just $20!

Your first two weeks are just $20 and you'll receive a free Prime t-shirt. Contact us now to begin your martial arts journey right away!